Information About Fasting For Muscle Gain

samedi 12 avril 2014
By Deborah Singer

Many people would think it ironic to undergo fasting when looking to gain muscles. This is because it is common knowledge that to increase muscles, an individual has to eat a lot of calories and do a lot of heavyweight lifting daily. So how is fasting for muscle gain even possible? This article discuses this issue to give a perspective on how this can be possible.

Before starting on the issue, it is good that people understand how muscles are built. Muscle build up depends greatly on progressive heavy lifting, diet and recovery. An individual ought to lift the heavy weights daily and ensure to add weights the bar more often. But care must be taken not to tear the muscles thus one should put weights that he can lift.

The diet for such persons should be one full of calories. It should compose of carbohydrate foods, proteins, vitamins, fats and even minerals. Also there should be ample recovery tie for a person after the training. This is because the muscles will need to relax and recover. During such time, the individual should try and avoid stress.

When an individual fasts, he allows his body to get rid of the accumulated toxins. This procedure can be successful during the process of muscle gain where a person will practice what is known as nutrient timing. This routine entails eating only when exercising and when not exercising and doing the heavy lifting, an individual is fasting.

Many people decide to laze around during the recovery period, sleeping and eating a lot of junk during such time. But one can take the rest and fast at the same time. This way, not only will a person be cleansing his body off the toxins, but also burn down the fats. After recovery, the individual will then get back to his eating and exercise routine.

The idea is very beneficial especially for individuals who tend to gain extra fat when they are trying to put on muscles. This is because the fat they gain during this process will now be burned down at this time. Since the fat reserves will be depleted, when an individual goes back to the heavy lifting and eating routine, the calories taken would be used as energy source at that time rather than being stored as fat.

The fasting interval can vary in people. There are those who might decide to fast on those recovery days while others can decide to fast daily during the heavy lifting procedure. Such persons might have a 16 hour fast period and 8 hour feed program for their muscle build up procedure. This means that they will be having 1 to 2 heavy meals per day. This process will enable one get lean muscles.

This procedure is more like eat stop eat and is commonly known by people as intermittent fasting. People are now able to get muscles and burn fat at the same time. Individuals thinking of starting out in this procedure should however research more about it and consult with a trainer to find out a plan that works for them.

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