Bug Out Bag Supplies That Will Be Crucial To Your Survival

samedi 10 janvier 2015
By Stacey Burt

When a disaster strikes and you have to get out of wherever you are and go someplace a little safer, you need to be organized about what you do, where you go and what you take with you. As far as what to take with you, that is the stuff that will keep you alive and protected for the next few days. That is why you need to have bug out bag supplies ready for just such an occasion.

The stuff you need to place in a position to take when you need it are those items for basic survival. That would mean water. The average person needs approximately one gallon per day. More if the temperature is hot or if a lot of exertion is going to be necessary to escape and live. If you honestly believe you will be able to locate water, sometime in the next three days, purification pills should be packed.

Food will have to be considered. Perishables will not be a good choice as they will not last very long and you are going to be on the move. Cans will be the best, but they get heavy. You can use the cans, afterward, to cook food in if you keep them clean and dry. Make sure you bring a can opener.

Pack a tarp or large plastic sheet. This will provide you with a measure of shelter. Something that is critical especially if it might be raining or in other inhospitable weather. This sheet can be draped over several branches or from a bush to another bush and slanted to keep water away from you.

Personal warmth is also needed. This can mean a bunch of blankets or enough sleeping bags for everyone. You must stay warm, especially during the evening in order to be able to get the sleep you need to recuperate from the activities you will be engaged in throughout the day just to survive.

A radio and flashlights that can be recharged by hand are things that everyone should have. There will be news about whatever is going on and you need to know. Battery operated ones are not as dependable as batteries will be in short supply. There are some hand crank battery chargers, but stay with the radios and flashlights that charge by pumping the handle.

A small shovel will be appropriate as will any toilet paper and other paper of all sorts. Body wastes are something that must be dealt with and, if all you have is a hole in the ground, so be it. A camp stove, or simply a small can, under a larger one where a fire can be started will be helpful unless you think you would enjoy cold food, for all meals, every day. Pack some matches in a water proof container or, better yet, a simple flint and striker system, easily put in a pocket.

Depending on the number of people in your party, this bag may consist of a large back pack or several bags. Spread the weight around to everyone who can carry it. In the best situation, ensure each person has their own water and food.

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