Abcs Of Wheels For Golf Bag

mardi 16 décembre 2014
By Lucia Weeks

Golfing is a sport governed by numerous rules, apparently complicated: having to provide various game situations, which affect the morphology of fields, environmental situations, materials available, types of competition, the rules of golfing are updated and published every four years in collaboration between the two agencies (Governing Body): for Europe is The R & A (up to 2003 was the Royal & Ancient Golfing Club of St. Andrews), Scotland; for the United States and Mexico, the United States Golfing Association (USGA) (wheels for golf bag).

The benefits awarded to players (the so-called handicap) are managed by national associations with local policies. The importance of knowing the rules for a golfer is greatest: this is probably the only sport where everyone is referee of himself and then honesty and respect must be part of baggage of every golfing.

Golfing is a precision sport which is practiced in an open field, for example a lawn or a field specially arranged, by means of a ball and a series of sticks. Although considered by some to be a sport of Dutch origin, the country where he enjoyed enormous popularity was Scotland (where national game).

Most of rules indicate how to behave in particular cases, as for example in case the ball ends up in a "Water Hazard", or ends outside the limits of field; but there are rules to discourage slow play, which indeed are gradually tightening with increasing number of players: for example, play a ball "provisional" when it is probable that it has lost its own, so as not to lose time in research.

Victory goes to golfer who finished the round holes set (usually 18) with the least number of strokes (stroke play competition or medal play), or to one who has won the most number of holes (match play or match play ). It is difficult in any event settle the controversy that has continued for centuries, what is certain is that the game played by the Dutch is well documented, both by citizens edicts, which granted land for golfing courses, either by court rulings, which punished with fines golfers before its time, which caused damage and disturbed the peace, coming to play within walls of city.

The length of tee depends on the stick that you want to use and professional habits: sticks with face very large tee require longer, while sticks with face less extensive loft or greater require tee very short. Alternatively to tee you can use a small pile of sand to lift the ball, practice very rare and tied to tradition, when the wooden tee were not yet used.

At the beginning of each hole the ball goes out of affected area of pre-departure, said tee out. When you play in a group, it is said that the player having the right to go first (the one with the lower handicap or because indicated by the Committee or by draw) has the '' honor '.

In every next hole, has the honor one who ends the previous hole with the lowest score; in case of a tie, the order remains the hole last played. For each next shot, the ball should be hit at the point where it stopped, until it ends in hole. In several cases provided for by the rules, but it can be moved before a shot: this can be done without penalty or with one or two penalty strokes.

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